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When Lisa and I started hiking together 7 years ago, it started off with inner city hikes. We brought just our runners and water. Then eventually as the trails increased in time, difficulty and outside the city (Provincial Parks British Columbia surrounding Vancouver Canada), we began to add preparing sandwiches, granola bars, and water for when we reached the end of the trail (beautiful elevated lookout view or the main attraction (lake or waterfall).

After that, we wanted to make it a “day hiking and day camping” outing, by adding some minor comforts of home. This is where the compact BBQ’s, dual stove, cooking utencils, cookware set, folding chairs and small portable power station comes into play. Depending on the trail, we would either hike in with these compact items, reach the attraction of the trail (lake, waterfall, etc) - setup a temp day camp area and cook, paint, make tea, etc., or we would complete the loop trail and set up day camping area back at the truck.

I remember memories of Lisa and I BBQing, cooking, making tea, hanging up LED string lights, Lisa sharpening pencil crayons with electric sharpener drawing art. We try to do this at least once or twice a month on the weekends as we found this to be an escape and recharge from the hustle and bustle of the inner city. We are just 2 people who really enjoy this, and we wanted to see if there was a way to incorporate this day hiking and day camping life style angle into a business that we can work at full time. We will soon find out.

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